Alice, residing on Mars, faces the challenge of transmitting an unknown quantum state encoded in a single photon to Bob on Earth. This task presents significant hurdles, primarily due to the immense distance and the high likelihood of the photon being lost during its journey to Earth. Fortunately, Alice and Bob share entanglement, so Alice decides to “teleport” the quantum state to Bob without physically transmitting the photon.
Can this seemingly futuristic scenario actually become a reality? In recent years, quantum physics has captured the imagination of the general public by promising groundbreaking advances, including unparalleled computing power and unconditionally secure communications. However, it has also become shrouded in mystery, with buzz words like "instant communication" and "quantum teleportation".
This presentation aims to demystify one of the most remarkable features of quantum physics: quantum entanglement. The speaker will illustrate how seemingly impossible missions in the classical world, such as teleportation and unconditionally secure communication, can be made feasible through the foundation of entanglement. By the end of this talk, you will likely discover that quantum teleportation is vastly different from the teleportation depicted in science fiction.
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